Category Archives: motherhood

The Hat


Today I found a hat….


Okay not just any hat!  It’s a big floppy hat, a black and white floppy hat, a hat that I can totally see myself rocking all summer.  I was in the .99 cent store picking up supplies for my home office and low and behold this gorgeous hat is sitting on a shelf waiting for me to take it home.  I mean seriously it was a steal!  I swear this hat screamed!  It’s a very demanding hat.  As soon as I brought it home all craziness ceased as The Hat demanded a selfie!  The Hat also demanded a video, and finally a cocktail!  As if I didn’t already have enough task to accomplish!!  Bossy Hat!


So why has this Hat completely taken over my day?  Well friends, it is not often I get to splurge on fashion.  I mean being a SAHM has its perks, but fashion sadly has not been one of them.  A trip to target is about all I get these days.  Having to lug a toddler into Neiman Marcus is not what I call fun!  Speaking of which, I cannot believe I now have a toddler.  When I started this blog, he was 5 days old!  Wow, where did the time go?!


Now that I’ve found the perfect summer hat, I can now pair it with the most perfect summer dress!  Oh did I forget to mention the dress?  Well sit back and try not fall over….it’s only $8 before s&h!!!  I know, seriously don’t fall off that chair.



All that’s missing is a cocktail and a full time nanny!


Sleep, it’s always on my mind….

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So I JUST had a baby.  Lil man is now 3 weeks old, wow.  I haven’t slept in like 3 weeks how the heck am I still standing?!  Haha, okay so I’ve napped in between feedings.

In the short time he’s arrived we’ve managed to survive breastfeeding, Christmas, a broken dryer,  me getting a cold, and a family wide stomach flu.  Lil man did not get sick, this I attribute to the power of prayer!  Oh, and it was our turn to host New Years eve!  Let’s just say we have amazing friends, they stayed to the end and it didn’t faze them at all.  We love them and the support they give us, this momma needed their company!

So you would think I would just sit and focus solely on my new bundle of joy now that things have settled down a bit.  I mean hubby is taking on a lot of the household chores.   Nope.  I have 2 kiddos that need my constant attention, a business to run, loads of studying to do for my next real estate exam, this blog and well so many more task.  Ah, well sleep can wait a bit longer!  Right?!

Until then I’m going to tuck my kids in, have a glass of wine, and not look at the mess hubby made in the kitchen.   Oh, but is the food gonna go bad.  Should I maybe just peek at it?  See I’m doing it again!  Haha, oh well it is what it is.  I’ll sleep at some point this year, just maybe not tonight…



Dealing with my Picky Eater

My little is a picky eater, like if it wasn’t for those sidekick shakes she’d starve herself! This wasn’t always the case, I blame the terrible 3’s.   I mean I’ve exhausted my avenues of what to make her, until one day I had a brilliant idea.  Why not let her make her own food?!  Now she’s 3 so it’s not like I’d have her make soufflés…well not yet at least.   So onto Pinterest I went, searching for kid approved recipes that were simple enough she could help.  Today was our first attempt at my ingenious idea!  Let’s see how this unfolds….

After searching and searching I decided on this recipe for Mini Muffin Hotdogs.  I of course tweaked it a bit by adding cheese, frozen corn, and of course only Hebrew National hotdogs (that’s a whole other blog post).  After bathing and putting li’l man down for his nap, I quickly gathered the ingredients and called li’l miss to the kitchen.  Now she was beyond thrilled to be A.) Baking and of course B.) Getting solo mommy time.  Deep breath, fingers crossed, we dove right in.   After measuring, mixing, and not so patiently waiting our lunch was ready!  I plated our food, held my breath, and watched her eagerly.    OMG, do my eyes deceive me?!  Is she actually not resisting?!  Was that a bite AND a smile?!  Success!!!!  Now this is simply our first attempt and I’m sure there may be some things she won’t be interested in, but today well today I’m going to just revel in this moment!

After such success, I decided to take it a bit further and we also made gateu au yauort (yogurt cake) from the book Bringing up Bebe.   Yummy and why did I wait so long to make this with her?!  The book is great, but the cake is waaay good!  Now our cake did not come out as pretty, but it was good.  Also, I probably should have made it in a round cake pan or split it up into two loaf pans…but hey you live and learn!

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I would absolutely love your suggestions, what do you make or how do you get your li’l ones to eat?